Annual Manual - How To Grow Annual Flowers & Plants

Discovering Annuals, by Graham Rice

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Annual Flowers

Raising annuals indoors

From Bedding Plants

Planting out

Although most bedding plants are generally fairly tough and adaptable, good soil preparation pays off. In soil of good fertility, loosening the soil with a border fork to the full depth of the tines and removing weeds is often enough. The soil should then be trodden well and a dressing of 2-4oz (55-110g) per square yard or metre of a general fertilizer raked in before planting. When bedding plants are grown on their own in beds reserved for temporary displays, annual additions of organic matter, such as rotted manure or garden compost, are invaluable. Whether you dig this in before planting the summer bedding, or in the autumn before planting spring bedding, will depend on your soil: apply it in autumn to heavy clay soils and in spring to lighter sandy soils.

When bedding plants are set in small groups in mixed borders, the degree of preparation required for individual planting sites will depend on the overall fertility of the soil. If the border has recently been replanted and plenty of organic matter dug in, a sprinkling of 2oz (55g) fertilizer per square yard or metre will suffice.

If it is some years since this was done, then forking in well-rotted compost or one of the peat substitutes followed by fertilizer at double the rate may be more appropriate. Where individual plants are set out in a mixed border, I use a planting mix made up of a two-gallon bucket of old potting or seed compost mixed with 2oz (55g) of fertilizer, and this is worked into the soil immediately before planting.

Plants must be moist when planted and I like to give them a final liquid feed a few hours beforehand. Plants from pots are planted with a trowel. those from trays are best removed in one block and then separated by pulling them apart. After planting and firming in well, water them again individually with liquid feed to ensure that there are readily available nutrients for the new roots to utilize.

The advantages of a greenhouse
Raising plants on a windowsill
Using a propagator or heated mat
Choosing pots and trays
Compost/Potting soil
Seed sowing technique
After sowing the seed
Pricking out the seedlings
Looking after seedlings

Raising annuals indoors

Annual Manual
©copyright 1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally Watermarked.

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